dimecres, 18 de febrer del 2009

To my mind...

The Middle English word "minde" meant "memory" and is directly related to the Latin noun "mentis", from which we get mental. The word "man" is believed to be related to "mind" which originally meant something like "the thinker".

In your mind you have thought and imaginations, you create opinions and make decisions, it helps you to understand things and you store memory in it.

As the word "mind" has many idiomatic uses. For a student the most horrible one is: "my mind went blank".

Here comes my story:

One day I was doing an exam which I had studied for really hard, and after reading all the questions I could'n answer anything, my mind went blank. My heartbeat went up, I started sweating, I had problems breathing... I was so nervous; things that didn't help me because every minute I remembered less things. I saw my classmates writting and working hard, and I just couldn't do anything. My teacher asked me if there was anything wrong with me, but I couldn't tell him the truth because he would probably think that I hadn't studied, so my answer was: "no, thanks, I'm fine!" the memory came back the last quarter of an hour. That was a very stressful moment, because all the memory came back and I only had fifteen minutes to write everything, you can imagine that I put in everything I remembered in a very chaotic and unorganized way.

I don't have to tell you what mark I got...

I hope this is not going to happen again, specially not this afternoon because I have my tdr's oral presentation.

I'm sure that after reading this last sentence, you will ask yourself: "why is she writting something like that on the day of the presentation?" the answer is so simple, it's because I want to do some different work to distract myself, but nothing really complicated either, so I started writing my blog... but you can observe it's not working, my mind is stilly thinking about "cholesterol" and above all about "fear and nervous"

1 comentari:

Oriol ha dit...

Hi Claudia!

I know you forgot the pen in the oral but finally your mum could brought it to you. I am happy that, finally all finished good, like all the students.

Have a good weekend and see you in Monday!