divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2008

this year...


Today I start my second blog talking about second of high school!

I wanted to talk about shoes but I'll do it next time because I think that this isn't a topic to introduce a blog!

On one hand this year it will be so hard, we are at the begining and I'm stressed! (lol...)
The exams go on and on, meaning that every week we have exams so we can't stop, but on the other hand we should enjoy our time a lot because this is our last year at high school, so, this is our last year with best friends, our last year, if we'll go to study to BCN, living every day with our parents, our last year with the theachers of "all the life"... you know, it's a big change, and I'm sure that it will be really funny but at the same time, maybe, a little bit difficult.

As I have explained a lot of times I want to do medicine, it's my dream, so I'll fight to become a good doctor!
Can you imagine in a few years find me in one hospital? it will be incredible!

By the way, I talked with a lot of people who said that the second of batxillerat was the worst year of their lifes, so when I started I was really afraid, but now I see that it's the same than every year...except that I spend all the afternoons in the library! lol!

Talking about the library I have to say that it is a really good place to study, I go there with my friends and we work a lot but we are in company so it's a little bit different than studing alone in your home, isn't it?... but there is a problem: the library opens at 4 o'clock and closes at 8'o clock so there isn't much time, and the worst thing is that on Saturday afternoons it's closed, and for example, next week I'll have a lot of exams, and tomorrow (you have to know that today is friday) I want to go to the library, but it will be imposible! .. so I'm sure that in my house I won't study! lol! it's impossible to do anything if you see all the people watching TV, or going out, sleeping..

Well, I have to say goodbye because I have to... guess what... study phisics!
