dijous, 11 d’octubre del 2007

A little bit of my life... :S

what's up?
well..today I'm happy because tomorrow we haven't schoollllll :D:D!
but... in the other hand I'm a little bit sad today, I don't Know why, maybe because it's rainning, and I'm starting understand that the summer is finishing, well it's better to say, that the summer is FINISH.
Next week we have two exams... spanish and maths exams, I'm not really afraid for spanish control...but maths... maths it's difficult and you can do a lot of wrongs in only one substraction.. haha!
by the way, It's not the best moment in my life, I'm tired, the weather it's not good, the examinations are coming and I miss summer!
I know that if all the year be summer, and we don't do anything we would be very boring.. but one month more for do nothing and with sun, it would be really good!wouldn't be?

I want to say another thing!
Ten minuts ago I was looking a lot of blogs and i'm really surprise...! A lot of this blogs are very worked, the people do it really good.
I can't do anything here, it's really difficult..well I must say that I'm really bad with all of this things like computers.. :S!
I'll ask to my friens..the are good in this ;)

well, I haven't anything more to explain, I know that it isn't a really NICE entry, but I am practising my english and this is the most important, isn't it?
next day I'll talk about love, friends...and all of this things, the things that the boys call girl's things! --'

I'll see you on monday!:*