dilluns, 15 de desembre del 2008


Dear Father Christmas,

my name is Claudia, I'm 17 and I live in Spain... and as you know I want a lot of presents for Xmas.

I'm sure, as every year, you will be very busy, so in return for your presents, I would like to help you. My dream is to be with your in the sleigh delivering presents to everybody, but I know that the elfs will do it for me. The only way for me to help you is by explaining some Spanish Xmas tradition, which will make your work easier.

First of all, you should know that you have competition, you can't go everywhere, there are families who only believe in "Los reyes Magos!" But don't worry I love both of you!

An other thing that you should take into account is, that nowadays there aren't so many chimenies in the cities, so you have to enter through the front door, because if not you will have a lof of problems!

It's really important that neither you nor the reindeers, eat before the journey, why? because in each house you will find plenty of food! Chocolate, sweets... and including a paella! muahaha;)

One more advice from my side: the police is very strict, and I trust in you but, don't drink and drive, if you want to return safely to the north-pole!

By the way, start your journey early because it will be really difficult to find a parking in cities, like Barcelona or Madrid, full of cars. :)

You have to put the presents under the tree or inside the stockings, well, if you find them, because every year less people put up the Xmas tree or hang up stockings, this is because the xmas traditions are losing value in the society. Normally people think of Xmas as a magic season until the children of the house grow up, then, they forget it and only think about this celebration as financial ruin, but they don't know that expensive presents are not the most important thing at Xmas-don't care about them!

Finally, after having helped you, I want to remind you of all my presents, which are:

a bikini with reindeers on it, to have a bath in the snow!