Every year it's the same, summer is just arround the corner and we go crazy to get our body in bikini shape, so what do you do?
you could stopp eating, but I hate it.
you could go jogging every morning before going to school, but I hate it even more.
you could consider plastic surgery, no way.
well, the only thing I can do is do sport.
Some weeks ago Gemma and me, we inscribed in the Gym of Empuriabrava, and we go there three days a week.
we take spinning classes, go to the pool, do some weights...and all of this things but we don't work out really hard, we are a little bit floppy and still want to enjoy ourselves.
A lot of times we don't feel like going, but hey! for sixty euros a month of MY money I simply have to go.
In my opinion it's really expensive but there aren't any other gyms arround here, so this is the only solution to get in shape for summer.
Sorry but I have to finish now because Gemma is coming to pick me up for our next sweating session.
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